Very quickly, I want us to look at certain things light will receive from the birth of Christ. Light that will help our lives, our faith and our character.
1. The plan of God will come to pass no matter how long it takes. The plan, purpose and promise of God will come to pass no matter how long it takes. Church Gist. God spoke to Adam about the seed of a woman, Isaiah prophesied that a son will be born, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah all of them, prophesied and it was appearing like it may not come to pass. The plan of God, purpose of God, the promise of God will come to pass no matter how long it takes. It is within God’s plan that our brother, talented fighter pilot should reach the peak of his career yet he marked time on the same rank for 9 years. Juniors became seniors. Church Gist. How do you pay them respect and courtesy and salute? How do you do that? How do you cope? Especially if they make one of them become your superior, but he remained there. One of those days, he sent a very strong letter, he said, “I have sacrificed for this force, I almost lost my life in a crash and I cannot be left like this” but it came to pass, it took 9 years but it came to pass. Let that testimony encourage somebody this morning. Church Gist. Don’t give up, Never give up. It doesn’t matter how long it has taken, if God has scheduled it, and promised it and if the Word has covered it, it must come to pass!
– I announce to somebody here today, every season of delay in your life, everything that is appearing that it will not happen again in your life, I declare, in this season, it shall happen!
– I announce to somebody, your healing is about to be made manifest, your deliverance is about to be made manifest. Marital settlement is about to happen for you! Your fruit of the womb is about to be released. Church Gist. That devil that could not stop Jesus from being born when there was no meeting of man and woman at all, that devil is helpless against that spirit of barrenness, in the name of Jesus!
2. The love of God will overcome every obstacle, be it human or demonic. The love of God for man made Him to overcome everything. The laws of biology could not stop Jesus from being born, contrary to the laws of reproductive biology. Church Gist. The love of God will overcome. Jeremiah 31:3. Many of us today are where we are despite the bitterness of people. There are people who are so bitter that you are where you are and you are who you are. In fact, that you’re still alive is a pain to some people, that you’re looking the way you’re looking and not wretched and haggard and you’re not begging or borrowing from them, you didn’t go and ask them for money, it is paining them. If bad look will kill person, many people would have died since, you pass, they eye you. Church Gist. You greeted, they threw their face away and behave like they didn’t see you.
– lift your hands and say, “Father, thank you for your love, thank you for your mercy that is the reason where I am where I am. Thank you for your love and your mercy that is taking me where you’re taking me to. Thank you for your love and your mercy”. I announce to someone here today, the love of God and the mercy of God will take you where the enemy will literally kill themselves.
– say a louder Amen!
3. At the appointed time, God uses everything to accomplish His purpose. When the time is ripe, God uses everything to accomplish His purpose. He uses human beings, systems and can even use devils and their agents atimes, without their notice. Church Gist. When Jesus was being crucified, the purpose of God was being fulfilled using the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the demons that were pushing them without their notice, that God was sending His son to die for the sins of the world. Church Gist. For all things still work together for good, to them that love God, even to them that are called according to His purpose. They may try to work it against you or against God but God turns it around and uses it in your favour, because nobody can block the wind, when you block it, you’re only making more ways. The emperor, Caesar Augustus made a decree that everybody should go to their village to be counted, that was the only thing that moved Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, where it was prophesied that Christ will be born. Church Gist. For prophecy to come to pass, the leader of the empire needs to make a decree. That decree could have come another time, before or after, but it had to happen at that time because “thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, even though thou art the least of the cities Judah, out of you shall come He that shall be the governor of my people”, it was prophesied, and because it was prophesied, it must be realized and systems must move, cities must move, individuals must move, institutions must move for the prophecy to come to pass.
– I don’t know who is here today, I see systems moving, I see institutions moving, I see authorities moving, I see powers moving, I see principalities moving, I see demons moving to ensure that the purpose of God for your life is fulfilled, for prophecy to be fulfilled.
– shout the loudest Amen.
– I am here to announce to someone because it is time for something good to happen, it is time for a particular prophecy to be fulfilled in your life, it is time for a particular purpose to be fulfilled in your life and because it is time, everything is moving in your favour to bring to pass! Hallelujah!
Don’t over-empower the devil, he can become an instrument soon, he can become a tool to facilitate something, don’t overpraise that devil.
– somebody say a loud Amen.
I will say two more things on a more sober note and then we shall be through.
4. The highest form of living is giving. That is what we learnt from the birth of Jesus Christ. Church Gist. Most human beings celebrate what they get but Jesus came to celebrate what He will give. Until you’re actively giving, you’re not actively living. “For God so love the world that He ‘gave'”. Until you’re actively giving, you’re not actively living. We give carbon dioxide out to take in oxygen, we give out waste material in the toilet before we can eat food. Keep eating without giving out, it is dying without knowing. Church Gist. When was the last time you gave off your life, your time, your resources? When was the last time you gave? There are many people who are struggling to receive without releasing. I told my wife, Dr. Mrs. Becky Enenche, I said, “commitment to God will make God to bring you honour but beyond that, when you sow seeds of honour, you can reap harvest of multiplied honour”. Every devil knows that everyone that God has placed ahead of us, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi, God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo, our father in the Lord, heavy honour, both in their presence and in their absence and everyone that we can, we will and we continuously do so. Church Gist. When time comes, the Lord said, “reap honour, just reap”. That the president of a country will send his first son and his wife, said, “go and represent me at this occasion, I cannot be there because I have a meeting in America”, plenty like that. People are struggling for what to receive but they never think about what to give.
I know you have a need but please look beyond yourself, just look a little beyond yourself and begin to sow the seeds from where you are, make a difference in the life of somebody. Church Gist. The seed of your time, the seed of your counsel, the seed of your wisdom and resources. It’s not the size we are talking about now, it’s the heart for it. Church Gist. Start from where you are. I started from where I was, giving. One woman came to me about 25 years ago and said, “this my daughter is out of school” and her husband is dead and she’s had to be out of school, class 6, primary school, government school. I said, “what is the problem?” She said no school yes. “How much?” 600Naira. I said, “600naira? Be in touch with me as long as this girl goes to school”. 600naira then. So, there may be needs today that is only 1,500 naira, maybe that amount is what you’re looking for to feed. Church Gist. When I went through the town the other day, one of the young men took me to his shop and he said, “this is the shop you gave me money to setup” and I wasn’t anything, maybe 200,000, 250,000 at most 500,000 at that time. Jesus came to give, He gave and gave until He gave His life. Let this lesson begin today, let this giving begin today, the giving of your time, attention, resources, the message of the gospel, your giving, let it begin today. We learnt that from Christ. A Bishop called me yesterday from the Nsukka area, that there was a herdsmen attack in the village of Eha-Amufu in Enugu state. The Bishop reported to that area newly, he said, “excuse me Sir, pray for me. Church Gist. How should I report newly and this is my first assignment. I don’t know what to do with this children whose parents have been killed”. He said he’s been crying out to authorities here and there and nobody is answering him. Children lost their parents during Christmas, no Christmas celebration, no food, no Christmas cloth, they’re looking for where to sleep.
I almost went there from the village, I almost drove there but I checked the time and when to be back here.
There are people like that there, you might have relations there, and I’m going to be releasing some things to that Bishop for that community, after this service, I’ll be speaking with him. Church Gist. I’m not saying that for anybody to clap but I want us to not hear things and keep quiet.
There was a disaster somewhere, somebody called me and said, some people came from a particular place and wiped people out in their village and their challenge is that nobody is saying anything. So, I spoke to the governor of that place, I said, “I heard that something like this happened, the people said nobody has come yet.
Please, do something”. I want us to arise and take responsibility. Let us begin to look beyond ourselves and if you know of people, friends, loved ones, even those you may not know that are in need, reach out. The highest form of living is giving.
You have not lived accurately until you are giving actively.
– Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “THE SEASON OF CHRIST’S BIRTH” Christmas Service – Sunday Service Glory Dome – Abuja.
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