Topic: Why God Gave Each One Of Us Gifts And Talents
Author: Pastor Abraham David
A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. Proverbs 18:16
Everyone born into this world is born with natural ability called gift or talent. Your gift which God deposited you when He formed you in your mothers womb is like the prints on your palm, it makes you unique and special.
Why did God gave each one of us these special abilities? The reason is so we could use it to create our world. Your gift was given to you not so you could use it to ruin lives of others or take advantage of people, it was given to you so that you can use it to make this world a better place, and help to improve the lives of others by using your gift and talent to bless and impact the world and create your own world of success, prosperity, peace, and joy, so that others can come and be partakers of the grace, and the blessings of God in your life.
Knowing and understanding how to use your gift and using it will make you a co-creator with God; it would attract great men to you, and also bring you riches and wealth. Our scriptural text says, “a man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.” Your gift will make room for you when you discover and use it to bless the world: your world is your room where the kings and great men will gather to honour and celebrate you; it is also the place where men would bring you their riches to bless you with their material riches and wealth in exchange or in a show of appreciation for your gift.
With your gift, there is no reason why you should ever be poor. I am not talking about spiritual gift, I’m talking about natural gift, your natural ability. Before you were born, God already put in you the solution to poverty, slavery, and lack and want by given you a special ability, and that is true for everyone that is born of woman; what’s your gift or what are your gifts? Many have discovered theirs and has brought wealth to many of them, though some are using theirs for the wrong purpose, some even use it to ruin lives and destinies, that’s very bad, because it’s not what God intends those gifts to be used for.
Are you gifted in writing: songs, stories, poems. articles, or books? use your gift, it would bring you great wealth. Are you gifted in singing, playing musical instruments, can you draw or design excellently? Use your gift. Are you gift in organizing events, things or counseling people? Use your gift, it would make room for you and bring you great wealth.
Precious Father, I thank you for the divine abilities you have given me, I bring solutions to people’s problems and answers to their questions with my gift, in Jesus name. Amen.
Further Study
1 Samuel 16:14-23; Matthew 25:15