BE READY TO GIVE (Acts 20:35)


DAY 5 (Sunday, February 5th, 2023)

Text: 2 Corinthians 9:7


Memory Verse: “I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)

Many professed believers are only ready to receive fabulous blessings but are hardly ready to pay the price. God’s fabulous blessing is the right of every true child of God. However, many of them are not able to tap from it because they do not understand the spiritual dimension to receiving.

The bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive. What the above scripture means is that giving attracts more blessing than receiving. Our text for today reveals that God loves a cheerful giver and urges every believer to give whatever he has the ability to give without being compelled. It is not about giving. Rather, it is about understanding the spiritual dimension to giving. If God loves a cheerful giver, it only takes a person of deep spiritual insight to understand that He will surely bless him as a proof of His love.

For anyone who desires to receive God’s fabulous blessing this month and throughout this year, you must be ready to give. The bible says, ‘Give and you shall be given.’ (Luke 6:38) The bible also insists that whatsoever a man sows that shall he also receive. (Galatians 6:7) Therefore, if you find the subject matter of fabulous blessing appealing, but you are not favourably disposed towards giving, it means you are not in line to receiving it.

Unfortunately, that is the situation. Many people love the idea of being blessed, but frown at giving. Many are selfish and stingy and as such, are not being blessed.
However, for anyone who desires God’s fabulous blessings that will even pave the way for more blessings throughout this year, giving must occupy a priority place in your walk with God this month. Giving is an anti-poverty device which God has put at the disposition of true believers in Christ to break the yoke of poverty, lack, leanness, scarcity, stagnation, limitation and spiritual embargoes in order to place their feet on the path of prosperity.

Therefore, you must take advantage of giving today to enter into God’s fabulous blessing. Remember, it does not matter if you hate giving. It is something that has to be done in order to attract fabulous blessing.

Worship/praise God and then take the following prayer points:

1. Any spirit of poverty, leanness and scarcity operating in my life, be destroyed by the Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name.

2. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I silence any spiritual voice telling me not give to be silent and speak no more, in Jesus name.

3. Every spirit of stinginess and selfishness operating in my life, be ousted by the Holy Ghost fire, in Jesus name.

4. O God of Chosen, replenish our G. O and Mommy in the Lord with more of your spirit and grace as they continue to give their all, in Jesus name.

5. Every drum of war beating in our nation spiritually, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.

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