1. copies of LAUTECH Admission letter in colour printout.
2. 3 copies of JAMB Admission letter in colour printout.
3. 3 copies of verified O’level results.
4. 3 copies of JAMB result slip in colour printout.
5. 3 copies of receipt of payment of Acceptance fee.
6. 3 copies of receipt of payment of Tuition fee
7. 3 copies of Birth Certificate or Sworn Affidavit
8. 3 copies of Local Government Identification
9. 2 original copies of letter of recommendation from a Clergy and any Civil / Public
Servant not below 10 Salary grade level.
10.Original copy of sworn affidavit of good behavior and 2 copies of same.
11.Original receipt of purchase of student handbook and 2 copies of same
12.3 copies of Medical Clearance Certificate
13.3 copies of downloaded and signed Oath of Allegiance
14.3 copies of Biodata / Personal Data Form
15.3 copies of downloaded and signed Student Dress Code.
16.3 recent recent passport photographs.The exercise is aimed at profiling the concerned students to their respective faculties and departments. Any of the concerned students who fails to comply with this directive automatically forfeits his/her admissio