Monday, 23rdnd – 28th January 2023
Most believers only know how to pray many don’t know when their prayer is answered.
An example here was the case of the believers praying in the house of Mary for the release of Peter from the prison but never knew when their prayer was answered – Act. 12:5-12
Our Exhortation this week is captioned: How Do I Know When My Prayer is Answered?
Monday | How Do I Know When My Prayer is Answered?
We must understand that prayer is a 2-way communication channel – Mat. 7:7-8/ Jer. 33:3
The example of Abraham interceding for Sodom and Gomorrah is highly illustrative here – Gen. 18:18-33
It is not enough to travail in prayer, we must diligently harken to the voice of the Lord in response to our prayers – Act. 27:25/ Deut. 28:1
Tuesday | How Do I Know When My Prayer is Answered?
When you have prayed according to the will of God (the Word) – Isa. 43:26/ 1Jn. 5:14
When you have prayed in the Name of Jesus – Jn. 14:12-14/ Jn. 16:23-24
When you have prayed in faith – Mak. 11:24/ Jam. 1:6-7
Wednesday | How Do I Know When My Prayer is Answered?
When you have prayed with your heart – Jer. 29:13/ Jam. 5:116-17 (Amp)
When you have prayed in the Spirit – Rom. 8:26-27/ Eph. 6:18
We must expect answers to our prayers, because what we do not expect, we cannot experience –1 Sam. 30:6-9/ 2 Sam. 5:18-25
Thursday | How Do I Know When My Prayer is Answered?
When you have prayed confidently – Heb. 4:16/ Isa. 54:17/ Heb. 10:35-36
When you have prayed with thanksgiving – Phil. 4:6/ 1 Thes. 5:18/ Heb. 10:35-36
When the Holy Spirit bears witness with your spirit that your prayer is answered – Rom. 8:16
Friday | How Do I Know When My Prayer is Answered?
When your faith says so and this ushers you to your rest – Heb. 4:10-11
Until your faith says it is received, your hand cannot take delivery because it is what you believe you have received spiritually is eventually delivered to you practically – Mak. 11:24/ Mat. 21:22
When the peace of God rules your heart and mind, and you keep giving glory to God – Phil. 4:6-7/ Rom. 4:18-20
Saturday | How Do I Know When My Prayer is Answered?
What do I do between the time I receive answers to my prayers spiritually and when it gets to my hand practically?
Engage in thanksgiving – Jhn. 11:41-42/ 1 Thes. 5:18/ Heb. 10:36
Engage in praise – 2 Chr. 20:3-17/22-24/ Act. 16:25-30
Don’t stop thanking God and don’t stop praising Him, because your answer is sure to come through – Rom. 4:18-20
Jesus is Lord!