Monday 16th – Saturday 21st January 2023
Jesus once said, “hitherto have ye asked nothing(specific) in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” – Jn 16:26
Generalized prayers don’t count much with God; His response will always be, “what(exactly) do you want me to do for you” as in the case of Bartimaeus – Mak. 10:46-52.
You have not, because you have asked nothing ‘specific’ – Jam. 4:2
This week, our exhortation lines is captioned:
Monday | Engaging the Wonders of Specific Demands on our Prayer Altar
Hannah demanded a man-child from God and that was what she got – 1 Sam.1:13-19
Solomon demanded for wisdom and God granted it to Him – 1 Kgs 3:3-12/ Kgs 4:29-34
We must continue to engage the hand of the God of increase towards the actualisation of the four-level dimension of growth in our Churches year – 1 Cor. 3:6-8
Tuesday| Engaging the Wonders of Specific Demands on our Prayer Altar
Nehemiah itemized his requests and got them – Neh. 2:1-8
Elisha demanded for the double portion of the spirit upon Elijah and got it – 2 Kgs 2:9-15
We must continue to make specific demands on the God of multiplication towards the actualisation of the four-level dimension of growth in our Churches this year –Jer. 30:19-21/ Act. 6:7
Wednesday| Engaging the Wonders of Specific Demands on our Prayer Altar
Ezra demanded divine direction through prayer and fasting and God granted him – Ezra 8:21 -23
David demanded direction from the Lord for victory over the battles around him and God granted him – 1 Sam. 30:6-9/ 12-14/ 2 Sam. 5:18-21/22-28
We must continue to engage our territory-taking God towards the actualisation of the four-level dimension of growth in our Churches this year – Deut. 2:24/36/ Psa. 44:1-3
Thursday | Engaging the Wonders of Specific Demands on our Prayer Altar
Elijah Demanded for rain and the heaven opened up – 1 Kg. 18:41-46
Daniel demanded access to the secret that the king required and got it– Dan.2:16-19 /Dan. 5:12-16
We must continue to engage our city-routing God towards the actualisation of the four-level dimension of growth in our Churches this year – Act. 8:4-8/ Act. 13:44/ Deut. 2:36
Friday| Engaging the Wonders of Specific Demands on our Prayer Altar
The Apostles of Christ demanded for signs and wonders and it was granted them – Act 4: 23-33/ Act 5: 12-15
The early Church demanded Peter’s release from prison, and he escaped supernaturally – Act. 12:5-12
We must continue to engage the Reaper-Angels towards the actualisation of the four-level dimension of growth in our Churches this year – Mat. 13:39/ Act 10:1-44
Saturday(WSF Teaching Guide)| Engaging the Wonders of Specific Demands on our Prayer Altar
Hezekiah demanded for the prolonging of his days and God granted him – Isa. 38:1-5
The two blind men of Jericho demanded recovery of their sights and Jesus opened their eyes – Mat. 20:30-34
We must continue to engage the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Ghost towards the actualisation of the four-level dimension of growth in our Churches this year – Act. 2:4/6/ Num. 11:31
Jesus is Lord!