Being familiar with the pastor who is to join you to your spouse is a blessing, especially if your pastor knows you very well. It will be an opportunity to ask him say things you would like him to say during your wedding. He possibly knows things you do which should be corrected and the ones you don’t, which you should start doing.
Below are 6 things you can ask your pastor to say at your wedding
1. Marriage is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the gospel
Paul wrote in
Ephesians 5:25 KJV
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
That means as a husband loving your wife can preach about Christ to others, because the bible uses marriage as a symbol to represent the love of Christ to the church.
So as a husband loves his wife well, he is also showing his friends and the world at large how Jesus Christ loves us. Our marriage has the amazing ability to showcase the gospel.
2. You will need God’s help to be faithful to the vows you make today.
In John 15:5 Jesus said without me you can do nothing. This is to remind us that without the help of God we can’t do all we purpose to do.
In a wedding, couples make alot of vows and commitments to each other but without the help of God, it will be difficult to carry them out.
So this is another thing we would like our pastor to tell us on our wedding day.
3. These witnesses are here to support you now and throughout your marriage
Every couple will like their friends and families to be present in their wedding. It will be a pleasure to have people gather together in one place to celebrate with them. When they have questions or needs, they can always count on these people. They can go to them got advice and wisdom in challenging times.
Too many young couples put pressure on themselves to figure everything out by themselves but there is a great blessing in having a steady flow of wisdom and support from those who love us best.
4. The closer you walk with the lord, the better your marriage will be
Submitting totally to the lord to take the lead in your marriage will make it more easier for the marriage to work. Acknowledging that God is the founder of marriage makes you surrender to him to guide the home appropriately.
Couples need to know that their relationship will be empowered as they live in healthy fellowship with God. Meditating on God’s love will help and teach you on how to love your spouse well.
God is love (1 John 4:8) As we think about how God has demonstrated his love for us especially in the suffering of Christ in our place, that love will overflow out of our heart to the lives of others.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love (John 15:9) Jesus used the word abide to teach us this is a truth we must come back to day after day. The more we abide in God’s love, the more we will love each other well.
5. Live in the fear of the Lord
Being a Christian by name is not enough, you have to live with the consciousness and ensure all your actions portrays the live of Christ. There has to be trust between both of you as couples, let your spouse know your every move, living an open live with your spouse creates room for trust, and trust strengthens the bond that exists between both of you. A man or woman who fears the lord will not indulge in secret sins or be deceptive towards his/her spouse.
6. Live in agreement
Amos 3:3 KJV
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
There is need for support from each other, assist your partner to build his/her dream, walk hand in hand. Your spouse needs your support in all they do, it gives them peace of mind, and without it, there will be an opening in the marriage for the devil to creep in.
Do not involve third-party in your marriage, it can lead to disunity.
Come to an agreement with your spouse on every issue, if you are not in support make it known politely.
Trying to force your opinion on the other will lead to disagreement and the need for a third-party to settle the issue so, come to an agreement with your spouse on every issues and the love in your marriage will continue to grow stronger
Your pastor can use their wisdom and experiences to guide you on how your life and marriage should be