Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche’s Dogged Submission And Followership To Bishop David Oyedepo His Spiritual Father Is A Case Study On How To Successfully Submit To A Spiritual Father.
In 2019 International Minister Conference, Bishop David Oyedepo was to introduce Dr Pst. Paul Enenche to the pulpit and he said the following words about him.
” Your Unchecked Dedication To Learning From Every Available Source Is Evident Today And Many Will Link Up With It”
At one of the Kingdom Power And Glory World Conference in Dunamis.
Dr. Paul Enenche shared how he met Bishop David Oyedepo his spiritual father. And he said.
“In the Bible, all great prophets were confirmed or commissioned by a father figure. The most easily referenced example being Elijah And Elisha or Samuel and David.
People sometimes wonder at the audacity with which we speak, it is because we have the backing of a lion.
I first met Bishop David Oyedepo in an audiotape entitled ‘Unleashing The Secret Of The Supernatural Realms.’ Before I met him one-on-one, he usually appeared to me in dreams anointing me with oil, that was when I discovered that he is my father.
I pursued and held tenaciously for getting closed to 20 years, every devil can confirm that the genetic and the chromosome of my father (Bishop Oyedepo) is in me”
Studying Dr. Paul pastor Enenche’s Submission To Bishop David Oyedepo, You Will See The Following Among Others:
He speaks well of his father(Bishop David Oyedepo) publicly.
Defending the course of his father.
Always celebrating his father publicly.
He attend his father programs regularly.
He remain humble to his father.
He never try to outshine his father.
He love his father passionately.
He honours and values his father publicly.
He broadcast his father’s messages on Dunamis TV Regularly on his own accord.
He Celebrates His Connection with father.
He is having the results of his father.
He knows how to be a true son.
He Celebrates the progress of his father.
He remain as protege to his father.
He takes instructions from his father.
We connect to this GRACE.