Prophetic Focus: SEASONS OF GLORY – Isa.61:1-8
Revival is a move of the Spirit of God among His People and every move of God is ordained to move His people forward, that is, from transformation of life to supernatural impact on society and nations – Isa. 61:1-2/3/4-7/ Mat. 5:14-16
Every move of the Spirit of God drafts multitudes into the kingdom as we saw in the Acts of the Apostles, thereby turning the Church into a solution center in the world – Isa. 2:1-3/ Mic. 4:1-2/ Mat. 11:28-29/ Act. 2:1-6/37-41
But we must stay spiritually awake, so as to make the most of this revival season – Gen. 28:16/ Pro. 10:5/ Eph. 5:14.
(Sun 3rd July 2022): Understanding the Blessedness of a Revival (Part 1)
What is a Revival?
A revival is a platform for divine visitation ordained for our supernatural change of story – Hab. 3:2/17-19/ Zph. 3:17-20
A revival is a spiritual awakening that causes the giant in us to rise – Ezk. 37:1-14/ Jer. 30:21
A revival is said to occur:
When the heart of man begins to pant after God and the interest of His kingdom – Psa. 42:1/ Psa. 34:10/ Mat. 6:33
When walking in the fear of God becomes our new way of life – Jer. 32:39-40/ Psa. 112:1-3
What is in a Revival for us?
Every revival is a spiritual launching pad to our high places in life– Jer. 30:19-21/ Hab. 3:2-6/17-19
Every revival culminates in supernatural restoration of the redemptive dignity of the believers – Zph. 3:17-20/ Joe. 2:26-27
We enjoy express answers to prayers in a revival – Jhn 15:16/ Act. 12:5-13
(Sun, 10th July 2022): Understanding the Blessedness of a Revival (Part 2)
What is a Revival?
A revival is a move of the Spirit of God that rescues God’s people from age-long bondages, culminating in their supernatural change of story – Hab. 3:2-6/17-19/ Zph. 3:17-20
A revival is a move of the Spirit of God that drafts multitudes into the kingdom, thereby turning churches into cities without walls – Mic. 4:1-2/ Zch. 2:4-5/ Act. 13:44
A revival is said to occur:
When men begin to seek after God in genuine repentance – Jona. 3:5-8
When one begins to take pleasure in the things of the Kingdom as a way of life – Mat. 6:33/ Psa. 102:13-15/ Hag. 1:14
What is in a Revival for us?
Everlasting mountains clear the way for us in a revival – Hab. 3:2-6/ Psa. 114:1-8
We enjoy divine favour in a revival – Act. 2:47/ Psa. 102:13-15
Every revival triggers the flow of signs and wonders among the people – Zph. 3:17/ Act. 8:4-8/ Act. 19:8-12
(Sun, 17th July 2022): Understanding the Blessedness of A Revival (Part 3)
What is a Revival?
A revival is a move of the Spirit that stirs the spirit of men to commit to kingdom advancement endeavours – Hag. 1:5-14/ Hag. 2:3-9/ 2 Chr. 15:3-7/12-15
A revival is a move of the Spirit, ordained to terminate all frustrations and afflictions of God’s people, thereby turning them to the envy of their world – Hab. 3:2-6/17-19/ Zph. 3:17-20
A revival is said to occur:
When the Word of God continues to come alive in one’s heart in increasing dimensions – Jer. 31:34/ Act. 19:20
When going to church becomes a way of life – Psa. 84:1-7/ Act. 2:46.
What is in a Revival for us?
Financial fortune is unleashed upon engaging believers in a revival – Zph. 1:17/ Hag. 2:3-9/ Luk. 16:11
Divine health is the lot of every engaging believer in a revival – Exo. 23:25-26/ 2 Cor. 5:19-20/ Pro. 13:17
Every revival empowers believers to command the supernatural– Isa. 8:18/ Luk. 9:1-6
(Sun, 24th July 2022): Understanding the Blessedness of A Revival (Part 4)
What is a Revival?
A revival is a move of the Spirit across the people of all age groups, culminating in diverse supernatural turnarounds – Joe. 2:28-29/ Isa. 44:3-5/ Isa. 32:15
A revival is a move of the Spirit of God that unleashes the Spirit of prayer and supplication upon God’s people, resulting in mass salvation of souls and explosive church growth – Zch. 12:10/ Isa. 66:7-8/ Zch. 8:20-23
A revival is said to occur:
When praying kingdom advancement prayer becomes a delight – Mat. 6:6/9-10/17-18/ 1 Thes 5:17
When one is consumed with undying passion to see souls saved – Jhn 15:16/ Rom. 1:16/1 Cor. 9:16
What is in a Revival for us?
The life of every engaging believer is transformed in a revival – Isa. 61:1-7/ Zch. 8:20-23
Every move of the Spirit of God confers dominion on every engaging believer – Pro. 11:30/ Pro. 8:15-18/ Dan. 12:3
Our needs are supernaturally met in a revival – Luk. 22:35/ Phi. 4:15-19
(Sun 31st June 2022): Understanding the Blessedness of a Revival (Part 5)
What is a Revival?
Revival is a celebration of divine visitation among God’s people – Gen. 50:24/ Exo. 3:7-10
Revival is a season of people actively partnering with God, thereby experiencing a manifestation of supernatural wisdom in their lives – Pro. 13:20/ Hag. 2:3-4/ Act. 2:46-47
A revival is said to occur:
When every home becomes a ‘church’, that is, House Fellowship Centres – Act. 5:42/ Rom. 16:5/ 1 Cor. 16:19
When praying for the needs of others becomes a way of life – Gal. 6:2/ Eph. 6:8/18-19/ Pro. 11:25
What is in a Revival for us?
Every revival is ordained to advance the church of Christ – Act. 2:2/37-41/ Act. 5:14/ Act. 6:7
Every revival engenders the rise of giants – Jer. 30:19-21/ Dan. 12:3
Jesus is Lord!