Prophetic Theme: SEASONS OF GLORY – Isa. 61:1-8
Teaching series: Understanding the Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit
…. Luk.24:49/ Jhn 16:7-9….
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of glory – Isa. 61:1-8/ Zch. 4:1-6/ 1 Pet. 4:14
This is why an understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, how to receive Him and grow in our walk with Him cannot be over emphasized – 1 Cor. 12:4-8/11/31
Week 1 (Wed, 6th July): Understanding the Person and Ministry of the Holy Ghost – Luk. 24:49/ Jhn 16:7-9
The Holy Spirit is a Person, the third person in the God head – Jhn. 16:7/12-14/ 1 Jhn 5:7
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of holiness – Isa. 11:1-3/ Rom. 1:4/ 1 Cor. 6:11
The Holy Spirit is the custodian of God’s vision for our lives – Joe. 2:28-29/Jhn. 16:13-14/ Pro. 29:18
The Holy Spirit empowers our dedication to God – Jhn 10:17-18/Jhn 12:24-26/ Mak. 4:30-33
How to Receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost? (This segment concludes the teaching in every service)
The ministry of the Holy Spirit begins with the baptism in the Holy Ghost – Act 19:1-6
It is also the right of every child of God to be filled with the Spirit, as we saw in the house of Cornelius – Act 10:44-45
But to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, one must:
Be born again – Act 2:38/ Pro. 1:23
Be thirsty for the infilling of the Holy Spirit – Isa. 41:17-22/ Jhn. 7:37-39
Recognize Jesus as the baptizer – Mat. 3:11-12/ Jhn 16:7-8
Make specific demand to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit – Luk. 11:13/ Mat. 21:22.
Expect to be filled with the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking with new tongue as you are being prayed over or hands laid upon you today – Act. 8:17/ Act 19:1-6/1 Cor. 14:2/14-15.
Week 1 (Thu, 7th June): Understanding the Person & Ministry of the Holy Ghost– Luk. 24:49/ Jhn 16:7-9
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of revelation – Jhn 14:26/ 1 Cor. 2:10-12/ Eph. 1:17-18
The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the harvest – Mat. 9:38/ Jhn 16:9-11/ Act. 2:1-6/37-41
The Holy Spirit empowers our continuity in stewardship – Luk. 22:28-30/ Act. 26:22
The Holy Spirit is our fountain of health and vitality – Rom. 8:11/ Isa. 11:2/ Eph. 3:16
Wk 1 (Fri., 8th June): Understanding the Person & Ministry of the Holy Ghost– Luk. 24:49/ Jhn 16:7-9
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of love – Rom. 5:5/ Rom. 8:28/ 1 Cor. 2:9
The Holy Spirit empowers us to prevail in prayer – Zch. 12:10/ Mat. 26:41/ Rom. 8:26-27
The Holy Spirit is our ever-dependable Companion – Jhn. 14:15-17/ Psa. 46:1
The Holy Spirit destroys yokes – Luk. 4:14/18/ Isa. 10:27/ Psa. 24:7-10.
Week 2(Wed, 13thJune): Understanding the Person & Ministry of the Holy Ghost– Luk. 24:49/ Jhn 16:7-9
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Faith that empowers believers for exploit – 2 Cor. 4:13/ Heb. 11:33-34/ Dan. 6:20-23
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of servanthood – Isa. 42:1-4/ Phi. 2:5-9/ Luk. 22:25-27
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of guidance – Rom. 8:14/ Isa. 48:21/ Psa. 23:1-6
The Holy Spirit strengthens our inner man – Eph. 3:16/ 1 Cor. 2:13.
Wk 3 (Wed, 20th June): Understanding the Person & Ministry of the Holy Ghost– Luk. 24:49/ Jhn 16:7-9
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom – Deut. 34:9/ Isa. 11:1-2/ Pro. 8:15-18
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of vengeance – Isa. 61:1-2/ Isa. 63:4/ Rom. 12:19
The Holy Spirit is the seal of our protection – Eph. 1:13/ Psa. 105:13-15/ Luk. 10:19
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of obedience – Ezk. 36: 27/ Deut. 28:1-3/ Psa. 112:1-3.
WK4 (Wed, 27th June): Understanding the Person Ministry of the Holy Ghost– Luk. 24:49/ Jhn 16:7-9
The Holy Spirit is the power of God in manifestation – Psa. 63:1-3/ Rom. 8:19-21
The Holy Spirit is the Quickening Spirit – Jhn. 6:63/ Mat. 3:11-12/ Rom. 8:11
The Holy Spirit empowers our giving life for consistency – 2 Cor. 8:1-5/ Deut. 8:18/ Phi. 4:15-19
The Holy Spirit is the fountain of joy and gladness – Isa. 61:3/ Psa. 45:6-7/ Luk. 10:21
Jesus is Lord!
Note: We are required to minister baptism in the Holy Ghost to everyone who is yet to be baptized in every Midweek service all through this month as we conclude each service with the segment identified in week 1.