-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on “The Power of Creativity and Innovation” at SMHOS Mid-week Service
John 1:1-5
*Creativity is simply productive mental activity because every creativity takes place in the mind.
*Creativity is inborn in you. All you need to do is to unleash the creativity in you into productivity
*Curiosity makes your brain work. Task you brain because creativity comes from within.
Give Him a big hand everywhere you are. You may be comfortably seated.
Creativity is the ability to create. Every event in life is invented. Invention is inspiration plus action. Innovation is never seeing yourself as a finished product. Our God is a master creator. Psalm 104:24. The creative secret of God is His wisdom.
Creativity is simply productive mental activity because every creativity takes place in the mind. An average Christian in this part of the world fasts a lot.
We usually exercise our spirit.
Everything was made by Jesus.
The Bible says Jesus is the power and the wisdom of God. If all things were created by Jesus (Word) and we are his, you are expected to be creative too.
The All wise God cannot give birth to dull children.
Jesus carried creative ability and you have it too.
The Bible says we have the mind of Christ.
We already have it.
It is not promised.
If you have the mind of Christ, why are you not creative?
From today, stagnation and frustration is ending in your life.
God starts with the void and forms something from nothing.
Creativity is not modifying what already is. Creativity comes from within.
The best way to learn creativity is to learn from the creator, God Himself.
Look at everything around you , it reveals God’s creativity.
Even those who are not born again are utilizing God’s creations for creativity. Tunnel came from the opening of mouth. Creativity is the act of making something new. Creativity and Innovation have fundamental differences.
Creativity is the act of being able to create. Innovation is bringing something new out.
God created trees but man brought out paper from trees. That is innovation. If you check out everything around you, God created them for man to be able to create something. God is both a scientist and an artist.
Creativity is inborn in you. All you need to do is to unleash the creativity in you into productivity.
Everything you see, people use what is already existing to create them. Beijing Stadium was designed from the inspiration of the nest of a bird. We have lights designed from inspiration of jelly fish. There is a restaurant in Maldives that is inside the sea. The world’s largest basket is a building. There are many designs inspired by things already in existence. I am going to tell you the qualities of creative people.
- Curiosity and observation. Deuteronomy 28:1. Many times we only listen we don’t observe. You can’t jump to doing without observation. Moses observed the burning bush. Exodus 3:3. Why must you walk the streets of life with your eyes closed. You should observe and create things from everything around you.
Curiosity is the main strength of creative people. Ask questions, develop active spirit and you will discover a lot of things. I noticed that water is very scarce in Enugu.
I have been very curious to know.
Nobody is curious enough to find out why this is sad. Creativity should make you think out of the box to bring about solution.
Convert streams in Enugu to potable water and see what will happen. You don’t wait for government, you create things from nothing.
Curiosity makes your brain work.
Task you brain because creativity comes from within.
What you need first is not money.
Creativity is not hard work; it requires genuine inspiration.
God is not a waster, everything around you is for creativity.
Many times, it is not the most expensive that is usually the best.
There was a time water flooded our church and the team of engineers that came insisted that we needed to dig a manhole but I said they should hold on.
A deacon who is a sanctuary keeper thought of constructing a drainage that could drain out the water and that did not cost much.
One of the engineers could not believe that we achieved that without digging a manhole. They only stayed with what was taught in school while the deacon created what has not been taught.
- They generate ideas. Every advancement in human life begins with an idea of an individual. Everything that will make you great is just an idea away from you.
Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is better than facts” The creative abilities of God are already in you. So how do I stir up the creative ability in me? When I go anywhere in the world, my eyes pick things.
- Be dynamic in your thinking. You need to be multidimensional in your thinking.
There is no just one way to solve a problem. Even God did not solve problems just in a way. Creative people are not fixed.
They are dynamic. 1 Corinthians 9:22. Everywhere you go, you must be able to adapt and create things.
You should not be static in your thinking and methods, even as a Pastor, you have to be dynamic. - Increase your mental capacity. Build your knowledge base. Keep your mind active by continuous learning of new and better ways of doing things. Proverbs 1:5.
Studies have shown that 58 per cent of adults never read another book after they have left school.
If you don improve your mind, you will remain the same way five years from now. Search for new information and ideas. Ecclesiastes 1:13 A woman came to me crying because her son was expelled from our school. She cried bitterly because she was even a single mother. She was helpless.
At that point I knew I needed to create something that has not happened before. I said Lord there must be an answer. Christian schools should transform lives.
Then God gave me the idea of Transformation Centre. Nowhere in the world does a school have that kind of arrangement. When a child misbehaves now, we don’t expell, we take the child to Transformation Centre. So far, we have achieved 97 per cent result. We have carried too many certificates, we need to be creative.
- Engage the Holy Spirit for inspiration. The Holy Spirit gave me the idea for Transformation Centre. Job 32:8. 1 Corinthians 2:10-11 The Holy Ghost is not only for tongue-speaking; He is for creativity.
In everything you should ask God.
Telling someone they will attack you is not intelligence, stopping the attack is intelligence. As Christians, you should move beyond knowing, you need to know what to do.
As a child of God, you search out answers from the Holy Spirit.
This aspect is beyond school. You need the Spirit of God that searches all things. You will become the solution to the challenges of the world in Jesus name.
Miracle is not only blind eyes opening. Miracle is also creating a solution to the problems of people.
Detecting a problem is not intelligence, solving the problem is intelligence.
The Holy Spirit is the ultimate source of solutions.
I consulted God for the Cathedral we are currently building and He gave me ideas beyond what the architects had constructed.
The architects told me that Sir this is beyond school. They could not imagine the solution.
- Associate with the wise. Align yourself with bright minds. Proverbs 13:21. Locate and align with creative people. Attend seminars, webinars and follow people who will change your mind through their materials.
With all these ideas, you must also execute.
Many times ideas are common but execution is the problem.
Our Cathedral taught me that.
The architect that constructed the plan could not build it.
You need to go beyond the idea to execution.
Your ability to execute is what makes the difference.
To be at the top for long, you need to keep improving.