-Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo at COZA Sunday
Another word for ‘Christianity’ is ‘Responsibility’.
What is on your inside doesn’t show by you talking about it. It is your fruit, your result, that explains what you carry.
2 Timothy 2:20-21
The Kingdom of God is a great house. The moment you give your life to Jesus, you are born into a great house. Jesus said, “I’ve gone to prepare a place for you. In my Father’s house, there are many mansions”.
How do you have many mansions in a house? He is telling you the Kingdom is a house.
A vessel means a container.
So in a big house, there would be different containers; there would be dustbins, there would be cups for general people, there would be cups for special guests, there would be different containers where the woman of the house puts her trinkets.
You don’t undress in the night and put your gold in the dustbin, you look for a treasure chest and put it there. The chest is secured because there’s something valuable there.
You and I are containers. The value God places on one person is different from that on another person. This is because of what they are contained of.
That is why you must be very careful with what God commits to you. What you are contained of, what is on your inside doesn’t show by you talking about it, it is your fruit, your result, your product that explains what you carry. When a clay breaks, nobody cries about it, you just get another one, so you don’t normally put something that is of value inside them.
Verse 21 says, ‘If anyone cleanses himself, this means that your responsibility is involved, your willingness is involved.
You and I were born to be God’s dwelling place, a home for the presence of the Lord and if we lift our hands, God will carry us.
If you tell me to give another word for Christianity, I’ll say responsibility. We are responsible.
If you want to know Christian songs, you will need to learn, if you want to know the Scriptures, you will need to learn, if you want to know how to pray, you will need to learn.
Some things are inside you, the day you make up your mind, heaven is ready.
Child of God, greatness is on your inside. There are people who are available but are not useful.
People who occupy positions are people that have dealt with ignoble things.
There is a man of God who came to preach in this church, he has another work he does also .
I took him to my house and I tried to engage him.
I said, ‘So, tell me about your background’.
He told me how he grew up in the village, somewhere in Kwara state.
Right now, he’s a billionaire, a marine lawyer.
He said, “I wasn’t even brilliant in primary school until I gave my life to Jesus Christ and I decided to follow him wholly”. He told me about the fetish things they do in his family.
There are some of us who are born again and have still not come out of the fetish things done in our families.
You are using their recipe to make a cake and you are prophesying that your cake should look different.
If any man should purge himself, he shall become a vessel of honour.
No life given to God is wasted.
I remember some years ago, almost everybody in Ilorin wanted to travel to the United States, almost all of us in school wanted to travel to the U.S and I just didn’t go because the Lord said I shouldn’t go.
Before they all started travelling, I had already given my life to Christ, I was even going to corner God and say, I’m going to Kenneth Hagin Bible School in Tulsa.
I wanted to go to Tulsa badly but the Lord said, ‘No, stay with COZA, if you stay in COZA, you’ll benefit from it.
I stayed. Praise God!
As I watched my daughter’s passport not too long ago and I was seeing that she’s schooling in Tulsa, I said, ‘God is a rewarder’.
Sweatlessly, anything you thought you missed will come back to you.
I went to preach in a church in Washington D.C, it’s in Silver Spring, one of the best churches anybody would like to preach.
I was given the privilege to preach there and it happened to be their Thanksgiving Day.
When I was done preaching, I stood with the Pastor there and they were dancing round dropping their offering and I saw all those my friends.
That was the church everybody wanted to attend, I was the guest minister, I was honoured with many honours.
As they were dancing, they would stop and say ‘Abbey, yeah!’.
After the service, they were around the Pastor’s office, I just sent a word saying, “I’m in so, so, so hotel. Come”.
All of them came.
Now see question upon questions.
How did you get here?
How did you become like this?
God knows the shorter route. I can share several testimonies like that.
It didn’t look like it, God didn’t show me anything but when you follow God, He says, ‘No life handed to me would be a waste’.
If you claim you follow Jesus and you don’t become something, it’s your fault.
Any Christianity that everything depends on God is a lie. You have a part to play, God has a part to play. If you are not successful, it’s your fault.
When you are born again, stay in the secret place of the Most High. If the enemy touches you, if the world touches you, you are not usable. I’m not preaching condemnation.
You need to be incubated. The reason the mother hen sits on her eggs is so as to give them life, she’s brooding on them, imparting them. As you are sitting under the word every time, you are becoming the word.
Now, when the hen is sitting on the eggs, if one rolls away, she’s not going to hatch it. In the villages, if they needed to shift that chicken, they use leaves to shift the eggs.
Once your fingerprint touches it, she’s not going to hatch it but once it’s the leaf, she thinks it’s the environment. That egg that rolls away is not fully formed, it’s not useful to be sold, not useful to be hatched, not useful to be boiled.
A lot of people are like that, you are in the middle, you love God but you are neither here not there.
Proverbs 25: 4. The silversmith has not decided what he wants to make, but the normal silver you bring to him is not useful yet until you take out the dross from it.
Let’s talk about clay, the people who go to get the clay are not professionals, they just load it and as they are loading, weeds follow the clay, small stones follow the clay, hard soil follow the clay, there are dirt in the tipper that loads it.
What does the potter do when they bring it to him?
He sieves it till he gets the smooth one. It is then he will decide whether it is pot or plate or a treasure chest or any other thing He wants to make.
It doesn’t matter what God has called you to be, the moment you make up your mind to take out the dross from the silver, you are now fit for the master’s use.
When you begin to wake up to pray not because you have a need, but because you’re now loving God, God would begin to give you things.
If you are here and you don’t have a mentor, nobody can talk to you, then dross is still in you.
This is where the matter is. Are you usable? Mathew 16: 24. This is the trick to being used, deny yourself. That is why everything that makes a spiritual giant places a demand on you. Why would God tell you to fast?
It’s denial. Everything you do in obedience like that, it’s reward will come. I tell you the truth, forget about yourself, take up your cross, die to yourself and power will start coming, influence will start coming.