#July2021 #DIGCPowerCommunionService

By: Dr. Paul Enenche

SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Practically demystify the art of prayer

In order to know what prayer is, it is first important to know what
prayer is not

1. Prayer is not a religious creed or formula to be recited or said (Matt. 6:7)
Vain repetition does not refer to praying for the same thing over and over again

2. Prayer does not have to happen in a particular speech type or
language (Ps. 3:4)
It doesn’t have to be in Elizabethan English

3. Prayer is not just a platform for the expression of sentiments or
emotion (1Cor. 10:10; Hos. 14:2; Isa. 43:26)
It is not the place to murmur, grumble or complain.
Nobody was ever heard because of tears; you don’t come to god on the
basis of emotion
The revelation you present is more important than the emotion you possess

4. Prayer is not just what to do in crisis or emergency situations
(Eph. 6:18; 1Thess. 5:17)
Some people don’t know how to pray until something is wrong

5. Prayer is not a responsibility to be delegated (Matt. 18:19)
Prayer is a non-delegable obligation
It is possible for people to agree with you in prayer but the burden
of your prayer life is entirely your responsibility (Matt. 18:19)
Masculinity is maturity, responsibility, spirituality and authority

1. Prayer is the flow of communication that originates from the
relationship between God and man
It is the servicing of the relationship between God and man
The more functional the relationship the more vibrant the communication

2. Prayer is the enforcement of the Will, Plan and Purpose of God in
the earth as it is in Heaven. (Matt. 6:10; 1John 5:14-15)
Prayer is laying hold on God to ensure that what He wants in the earth
is what happens
The Will of God is answered prayer waiting to be prayed
Your struggle at the place of prayer ends where the Will of God is known
Faith is enhanced at the place of prayer ends where the Will of God is known
The deeper your understanding of the will of God for your life,
family, and nation, the stronger your prayer life.
You get to know the will of God from the Spirit and from the Word of God
The deeper your understanding of His Will, the stronger the force of
your prayer (1John 5:14-15)

3. Prayer is the avenue of access into the resources of God by man (Matt. 6:11)
What is available with God is made accessible for man at the altar of prayer
Prayer is very buoyant if you understand your inheritance in God
The deeper your understanding of your inheritance in God, the stronger
your prayer life.

4. Prayer is the spiritual life breath of the child of God
What the physical air is to the body of man is what prayer is to the
spirit of man
As the Word of God is the equivalent of food, Prayer is the equivalent
of air (Matt. 4:4; Luke 4:4)
Prayerlessness is a sign of spiritual lifelessness
Prayer has to do with your worship, appreciation, and thought pattern
so in your thinking, worshipping and talking you are praying (Eph.
3:20; Isa. 65:24)
Every place is appropriate to talk to God
As frequently as you remember to say something to God, say it to Him

5. Prayer is the confession of personal helplessness and insufficiency
without God (Heb. 4:16)
It is the recognition of the All-Sufficiency of God
Prayerlessness is a declaration of independence from God

1. Receive the grace to operate a functional prayer life with fervency
and vibrancy of the Spirit (Zech. 12:10; Rom. 12:11)
There is grace that makes prayer easy
Grace is grease for ease

2. Pray without ceasing (Acts 12:5)
People take holidays to do other things, you can take holidays from
your workplace to pray

Father, thank You for Your Word to us tonight. To You be all the glory
Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I receive the grace to pray without ceasing; I receive a
baptism of the Spirit of grace and supplication now, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I receive a deeper understanding of Your will for my life, a
deeper understanding of my inheritance in You in the land of the
living, I receive a deeper understanding now, in Jesus’ Name!

Father, I ask that You frustrate every agenda of the wicked for my
life, family, destiny, the church, Dunamis and the nation in this
season; we decree frustration now, in Jesus’ Name!

– You will not die before your time!
– Everything the devil took from you, everything missing from around
your life is recovered!
– Every verdict of the enemy on your life that is a contrary verdict
is cancelled permanently!

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