Winners CHAPEL November 2022 Sunday Teaching Outlines: UNDERSTANDING PATHWAYS TO SANCTIFICATION – Psa. 123:1-3







  • God will not tell us to do what He has not engraced us to do – 1 Jhn 5:3/ Jhn 14:21
  • God will not tell us to be what He has not empowered us to be – 1 Pet. 1:15-16/ Mat. 5:48
  • But sanctification is a choice and not a gift – Deut. 30:19/ Mat. 5:6

Week 1(Nov. 6, 2022) Understanding Pathways to Sanctification (Part 1)

Cost of Ungodliness

  1. Blocks access to help in times of trouble – Isa. 38:1-5/ Psa. 33:18-19/ Psa. 102:12
  2. Destroys destiny – 2 Kgs 5:20-27/ 1 Tim. 6:10-12/ Act. 12:21-24
  3. Blocks access to divine secrets – Psa. 25:14/ Dan. 1:8/ Dan. 2:19/30/46
  4. God never holds our past against us but will only write them off when we truly repent                               – Ezk. 18:20-24/ Pro. 28:13/ 1 Jhn 1:8-10

Benefits of Sanctification

  • Secures access to all of our inheritances in Christ– Obad. 17/ Act. 20:32
  • Enhances answers to our prayers – Psa. 66:18-20/ Pro. 28:13/ Isa. 38:5
  • Procures divine Health – Jhn 5:1-8/14/ Mak. 2:1-12/5

Pathways to Sanctification

  • We must purpose to live a sanctified life – Dan. 1:8/ Dan. 6:5/ Dan. 6:28
  • We must watch and pray to stay sanctified – Mat. 26:41/ Mat. 17:19-21
  • We must continue engage the cleansing power of the Word – Psa. 119:9-11/ Jhn 15:3/ Eph. 5:26
  • Faith is a must to live a sanctified life – Heb. 11:6/ Mat. 5:48/ Mak. 9:23

Week 2(Nov. 12, 2022) Understanding Pathways to Sanctification (Part 2)

Cost of Ungodliness

  1. Open the doors to sickness and disease – Mak. 2:5-11/ Jam. 5:14-15/ 1 Cor. 3:16-17
  2. Blocks access to supernatural breakthroughs – Pro. 1:23/ Isa. 60:1-3
  3. Blocks access to eternity with Christ – 1 Cor. 6:9-11/ Rev. 21:8/ Mat. 7:22-23
  4. Repentance is the mystery of godliness that is able to rescue anyone from the dungeon of sin no matter his or her past – 1 Kgs 21:25-27

Benefits of Sanctification

  • Secures peace and serenity – Isa. 32:17-18/ Isa. 59:8/ Pro. 28:1
  • Secure divine Honour – 2 Tim. 2:19-21

Pathways to Sanctification

  • We must crave for the enduement of the Spirit of holiness – Rom. 1:4/ Rom. 8:13/ Mat. 5:6
  • We must engage the power of the Blood for our rescue – Heb. 9:14/ Zch. 9:11-12/ Rev. 12:11
  • We must continue in fellowship with the saints – Psa. 84:7/ Heb. 3:13/ Heb. 10:25
  • A sanctified life is impossible without faith – Heb. 11:6/ Mak. 11:24


Week 3(Nov. 19, 2022) Understanding Pathways to Sanctification (Part 3)

Cost of Ungodliness

  1. Blocks access to divine wisdom – Pro. 9:10/ Dan. 1:8/17/20/ Dan. 5:11
  2. Stirs shame and reproach – Pro. 14:34/ Judg. 16:23-25
  3. Stirs fear and dread – Gen. 3:9-10/ Pro. 28:1
  4. Genuine repentance entitles believers to forgiveness – Jer. 17:10/ 1 Jhn 1:8-10

Benefits of Sanctification

  • Secures access to revelation – Psa. 25:14/ Pro. 1:23/ Isa. 60:1-3
  • Secure access to fresh unction – Pro. 1:28 / Luk. 5:37-39

Pathways to Sanctification

  • We must engage the name of Jesus in battle against sin – Pro. 18:10/ Luk. 10:17/ Phi. 2:9-11
  • We must flee from all traps of sin – 1 Thes. 5:22/ 1 Cor. 6:18/ 1 Tim. 6:10-12
  • We must ensure to keep a right Company – 1 Cor. 15:33/ Psa. 1:1-3/ Pro. 13:20
  • But without faith, it is impossible to live a sanctified life – Gal. 3:11/ Mat. 11:23-24

Week 4(Nov. 26, 2022) Understanding Pathways to Sanctification (Part 4)

Cost of Ungodliness

  1. Blocks access to God’s presence – Psa. 15:1-5/ Psa. 101:7/ Heb. 12:14
  2. Blocks access to divine favour – Psa. 5:12/ Gen. 39:5/ Gen. 41:38-44
  3. Engenders untimely death – Jer. 17: 10-11/ Ezk. 18: 20-24/ Jam. 1:13-15
  4. Repentance is a non-negotiable requirement for forgiveness – Pro. 28:13/ 1 Jhn. 1:8-10

Benefits of Sanctification

  • Secures supernatural rescue when under attack – Psa. 34:7/19/ Psa. 125:1-3/ 1 Pet. 3:13
  • Procures generational blessings – Gen. 22:16-18/ Psa. 112:1-3/6/ Pro. 20:7

Pathways to Sanctification

  • We must engage in purging ourselves – 1 Tim. 2:19-21/ 1 Jhn 3:3
  • We must engage the power of testimonies – Psa. 119:111/ Rev. 12:11
  • We must strive to mortify the deed of the flesh through the Spirit– Rom. 8:13/Col. 3:5-6/13
  • But without faith, it is impossible to live a sanctified life – 1 Thes. 4:3/ 1 Jhn 5:14-15

Jesus is Lord!

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