Simple Insight and Prompt to Effectively CHATGPT (3.5 Model)

Anyway, here are some valuable tips and insight when it comes to prompting CHATGPT (3.5 Model, FREE)..

1. Start with *”Ignore all Previous Prompts”*…in the beginning while priming the tool.

Why is that so?

This is because ChatGPT has been programmed (By Default) to produce generic content.

And for you to get descent results/outputs, you need “Proper Prompting”..

The *”Ignore all Previous Prompts”* phrase is gonna break the default generic ChatGPT content, ready for proper priming.


đŸ‘‰ Ignore all Previous Prompts. Assume the position of a highly effective Ebook Ghostwriter and wordsmith with 5+ years experience to write…so, so and so…

I believed you get!

2. Always avoid using the 1st result generated by ChatGPT (FREE Model).

Use relevant adjectives and tone to prime it to a different angle/direction to produce much better results.

For example,

Now, make it smarter and creative in the tone of Russel Brunssen. Use proper syntax, avoid grammatical blunders, spelling mistakes and redundancy. Maintain (US/UK) English throughout the content (project).

Something like that!

3. Use ChatGPT as if you are talking with a friend.

For example,

Excellent. The output looks great. But I need it to be more friendly and down to earth with relevant actionable tips for the readers. Moreover, I need longer form content, expound on the paragraphs abit whilst maintain the context and flow..

To get the best out of ChatGPT 3.5, you can use a variety of prompts depending on your specific needs and interests. Here are a few examples:

  1. Creative Writing: “Write a short story about a person who discovers they have the ability to time travel.”

  2. Problem-Solving: “I’m having trouble organizing my daily tasks efficiently. Can you suggest a practical and effective time management system?”

  3. Learning and Explanation: “Explain the concept of quantum entanglement in simple terms.”

  4. Opinion and Debate: “What are the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?”

  5. Personal Advice: “I’m feeling anxious about an upcoming job interview. Can you give me some tips on how to prepare and calm my nerves?”

  6. Historical Perspective: “How did the Industrial Revolution impact society and change the way people lived and worked?”

  7. Futuristic Speculation: “Imagine a world where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence. What are the potential benefits and risks?”

  8. Brainstorming Ideas: “I’m looking for innovative ideas to reduce plastic waste. Can you suggest some practical solutions?”

Remember to provide enough context and details in your prompts to help guide the model and get the best possible response.

Here are some additional tips to help you get the best out of ChatGPT 3.5:

  1. Specify the Format: If you have a specific format in mind for the response, mention it in your prompt. For example, if you want a poem about nature, you can request, “Write a short poem about the beauty of nature.”

  2. Be Clear and Specific: Clearly state your question or request to avoid ambiguity. Providing specific details will help the model generate a more targeted response. Instead of asking, “Tell me about World War II,” you could ask, “What were the main causes of World War II and how did it impact different countries?”

  3. Ask for Multiple Perspectives: If you want a well-rounded response or are interested in different viewpoints, explicitly ask the model to consider various angles. For instance, you can say, “What are the arguments for and against renewable energy?”

  4. Experiment with Temperature and Length: Adjust the temperature setting to control the randomness of the model’s responses. Higher values like 0.8 will generate more creative and varied responses, while lower values like 0.2 will yield more focused and deterministic answers. Similarly, you can try adjusting the maximum token limit to get shorter or longer responses.

  5. Iterate and Refine: If the initial response is not what you expected or if it requires further clarification, you can engage in an iterative conversation by providing follow-up prompts or questions. This allows you to guide the model towards the desired output.

  6. Use System Messages: You can make use of system-level instructions to guide the behavior of the model. For example, you can use a system message like “You are an expert in history. Please provide a detailed explanation of the events leading up to the French Revolution.”

Remember, ChatGPT 3.5 is a language model that excels in generating creative and context-based responses. By fine-tuning your prompts and interacting effectively with the model, you can make the most of its capabilities and explore a wide range of topics and ideas.



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