– Dr. Mrs Becky Enenche

Ruth 4:13-16

Ruth’s life was a very typical illustration of a restored life, a restoration life.

What are the factors we see in the life of Ruth?

1. Ruth was single again but God gave her restoration and she was successfully married and God established her life.
2. She married at an older age. I don’t know what age you are here now, trusting God to be married, you have not yet married, I’m here to announce to you that if Ruth could get married at an older age, you are not too old for God to settle you maritally in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
3. Ruth had no child. She had no child for as long as she was married initially before the husband died, she had no child but this is the same Ruth who now got married to Boaz and gave birth to Obed who gave to Jesse who have birth to David who is the genealogical inheritance of the master Jesus Christ.

Beloved, this convention is your convention for a turn around as far as your fruitfulness is concerned in the name of Jesus.
Before this convention is over, your fruitfulness shall be established.

Ruth, is a typical example of a restored marital destiny. Your own destiny shall be established. You shall be by this time next year who God meant for you to be, there shall be a recovery of years.

Did it ever occur to you that Boaz was of age? Did it ever occur to you that Boaz had no record in Scripture that he had ever been married or had any other children. I wondered why he could have been still single at that age.

The description of him in Ruth 2:1, he was a mighty man of wealth at that age yet not married. His father married Rahab so probably all the while in Israel, he was stigmatized. They looked down on him and rejected him. He went to ladies and they said ‘you that is of mixed blood we are not marrying.’

I don’t know which man is here and ladies have rejected you, today the last rejection is the last forever in the name of Jesus. God will give you somebody that is many times better than the ones that rejected you. If you are a lady here, they have never come to you or they are always jilting you, things have not worked out as they should, I am here to announce to you, that after this convention, you are going to be married, the stigma will be arrested, the reproach will be deleted, the anti marital spells will be arrested and you shall enter into your marital destiny.

Both Ruth and Boaz were both non-entities until they encountered a restoration marriage and then they became ‘some entities’. Your marriage can make you or it can mar you.

Those singles that are here listening to the sound of my voice today, I announce to you, you shall not marry the wrong husband/wife, you shall not be connected to the wrong person.

If you are already married, I am here to announce to you, it is a season of restoration, God shall turn your marriage into a marriage of destiny.


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