Living by the Word of God


To live by the word means to observe and follow God’s instructions as it is written in the Bible. To live by the word, you do what the word says.

What is word practice?

What practice is studying, writing down and running with God’s word as He has shown us.
God’s word is his instruction book given to man, it is God’s voice in written format to man, given to instruct, correct, guide and direct man.
It is beneficial for man to follow God’s word as a guide in what to do as children of God on earth. God speaks to us differently,
To some he speaks audibly, for example, he spoke to Samuel in 1 Samuel 3, he spoke to Moses in the wilderness in Exodus 3
To some he speaks from his word
and to some others he speaks through prophets for example God spoke to Saul through Samuel 1 Samuel 15:16-31, God spike to David through Nathan, He also spoke to the children of Israel through Moses etc
Today we’ll talk about how word practice secures profitable living.
*As a word practitioner you’ll enjoy God’s blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-13, James 1:25)
*As a word practitioner, you will stand out with undeniable proofs (1Tim 4:13-15)
*As a word practitioner, you enjoy peace and hope for a secured destiny (Jeremiah 29:11)
*As a word practitioner, life and good health is your heritage (Proverbs 4:20-22)

We are admonished not to be hearers of the word only but doers of the word. It is not enough to listen alone, we also need to practice what we read and listen in the word.

Example of people who obeyed God’s word in the bible;

Below are some lists of word practitioners in the Bible:

1. David: he sought the lord before going to battle (1 Samuel 23:4-5)
2. Moses (Exodus 14:15-22)
3.Samuel (1 Samuel 16:12-13)
And many other people

How to put the word of God to practice

1. Be born again
2. Study, write down and do what the scriptures says (Habakkuk 2:2, 2 Timothy 2:15)
3. Be intentional and consistent (Jeremiah 29:13)

In order to enjoy God’s leading and avoid errors, it’s advisable to live by the word of God. As children of light, we must be able to search the scriptures for ourselves, don’t only depend on what you hear people say, read the Bible and know what God is saying concerning you. (Acts 17:11) Remember, there are false prophets in the world, so you have to know what God says in His word in order not to be deceived.
You also need to know the word of God because that’s what will spring up in your spirit man in the days of trouble. Colossians 3:16 says let the word of Christ dwell in you richly… Not just shallow understanding of the word, it is what you have in you that will come out of your mouth when faced with challenges. Matthew 12:34 says …for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. It is what you carry in you that will determine what will come out of your mouth.
Jesus Christ admonishes us in John 5:39 to search the scriptures. He knows the benefits in it for us and that’s why he said so. Living by the word of God will save you from costly mistakes, and since God already knows the end from the beginning, going to him for direction will guarantee you a stress free life.
*The word of God is a manual for living, in it we find the guidelines for successful living

Why should we obey God’s word?

1. God’s word can be trusted; whatever he says, he is capable of doing it. (Numbers 23:19)
2. His plans for us are good. Jeremiah 29:11
3. No one knows our future like the one who created us and the future (Isaiah 46:10) so why not go to him for guidance?
Looking into the word of God to determine what actions to take and how to live our life is the best thing to do as believers in order to live a life pleasing to God

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