-Bishop David Oyedepo at 1st Service, Faith Tabernacle

  • Single ladies: Don’t use your mouth without a sense of value.
  • Don’t misunderstand me: the first person that comes may not be the right person, the second may not be the right person but don’t let pride be what is standing on your way.
  • Building a future together is far more glorious, than jumping on somebody who thinks you have just come to buy into his fortune.
  • Don’t say, “I closed the chapter last year or in 2015 or 2017.” If you have ever made such statement, ask Jesus for forgiveness. Your times are in His hand.
  • Open up, God is up to anything at any time.
    Every blessing proclaimed on your marital destiny today shall come to pass with speed.
    That woman got home, that same Sunday, having received her own Word from that Service and while she was cooking in the kitchen, the husband showed up and carried: As she said Amen to that proclamation, the husband was packing his load from wherever he went. He was packing his load and put everything. I don’t think he packed them orderly, he was just dropping them into the boot, the car (documented testimony). Fire was burning!
    -Today whatever is holding your marital destiny down, the fire of God will burn them up.
    Psalm 68:6 – we read it in the opening
    He brings out the ones who are bound with chains; but the ones who will say, “I don’t care”, they remain in a dry land.
    -No matter how long that marriage has broken down, Heavens will step in today.
    -No matter how long you may have suffered marital delay, Heavens will intervene today.
    -No matter how many of your sons and daughters are over ripe for marriage, today is their Turnaround Day.
    Every challenged marital destiny is an oppression of the devil (Ephesians 6:12). They are behind it.
    Matthew 13:28 – an enemy has done this
    But encounter with light from God’s Word is our guarantee for rescue. Darkness will always bow before light. As the Word penetrates your soul today, darkness will give way to you.
    To actualise our marital destiny, let’s quickly look at few things here.
  1. You must be born again, because every child of God is a child of light and that light shines in darkness, darkness cannot handle it (John 1:5).
    You must be born again and remain so, not looking here and there.
    You must be born again and remain so, then you become a child of light indeed and darkness has no choice but clear the way for you (1 Thessalonians 5:5).
    Every child of God is a child of light and you are confronted in a battle against the powers of darkness. When you are a child of light, your victory is guaranteed any day, anytime, anywhere. Therefore, you must be born again and remain so to win the war.
    Not to come to Church in the morning, go to one beach in the night and somebody is bathing for you: An adult. That is not what you need.
    Not to keep something under your pillow: it is tormenting you day and night; you still kept it there. That is not it.
    Those who hasten after another god, their sorrows shall be multiplied (Psalm 16:4).
    So stop it, if you don’t want to stop God from intervening in your affairs.
    Stop it! He (God) can’t stand a double dealing, He doesn’t share His glory with any graven image. The moment you look elsewhere, He has left you to yourself, to look after yourself (Isaiah 42:8).
    1 John 5:12
    John 10:10 – not just life, I am giving you life at its best
    That is why it is important to be born again and remain so, to overcome the challenges of life which includes marital challenges of all forms.
  2. Remain in love with God and all things will keep working for you.
    Prove that by your raw obedience to whatever He commands.
  3. Remain committed to Kingdom Advancement endeavours for that is the platform by which God adds to you all other things, that others are dying to get.
    “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things that others are dying to get, they are freely added to you by the favour of God” – Matthew 6:33
    “He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and has obtained favour from God” – Proverbs 18:22
    One way to obtain and secure favour from God is to keep your commitment to Kingdom advancement endeavours and He will show up.
    -For everybody that desires restoration of their broken family, you are going to see God in action this week.
    -Everyone set for marriage that has been going through disappointment upon disappointment or nobody is even coming at all, this day is declared your Turnaround day.
    -Every parent here who is concerned and bothered about their sons and daughters who are yet to be married, today is their day of intervention.
  4. Beware of pride
    Because when pride comes in, grace is withdrawn. God resists the proud but He gives more grace to the humble (James 4:6).
    Grace is simply divine favour. Divine favour is the answer to almost all questions of life.
    But God resists the grace and He gives more grace to the humble.
    You want to flow in grace, please don’t give room to pride.
    Don’t use your mouth without a sense of value.
    Don’t let nobody come to you and you look down on him from top to toe. God will not allow anybody else to come perhaps, except you repent.
    Don’t misunderstand me: the first person that comes may not be the right person, the second may not be the right person but don’t let pride be what is standing on your way.
    Don’t let pride.
    I said it the other time. Somebody has come to ask your hand in marriage:
    You said, “Have you been abroad before?”
    He said: What is the meaning of abroad?
    No, you can’t be talking to me.
    “Have you been outside the country before?”
    He said: Yes, Benin Republic
    Response: You are not serious, go and find out my background.
    “Which University did you go to?”
    Response: Nasarawa State University
    “Is that in Nigeria? Nasarawa?”
    You just dress him down. Why? You are born in Britain, you sojourned in US, you went to all kinds of Universities: first degree, second half degree and you have gotten married to that.
    So do you need any husband? No. That is enough of a husband.
    If you build a future together, it will be far more glorious, than jumping on somebody who thought you have just come to buy into his fortune.
    Beware of pride, don’t let it stop the way against God’s intervention in your life.
    -Everybody here will enjoy a great married life.
    That is why you need to be connected. If you are connected to the Priesthood, whatever oil flows on the head of the priest is what flows down his garment.
    That are too many people in this Ministry today that don’t have any heartache or concern about their marriage, because they are genuinely connected.
    Many of them will say: What will Papa do like this, if this kind of thing happens, what will Papa do? What do you think he will do? He will smile and walk away in truth and in deed, without any tension anywhere.
    -You will never have tension anymore in your life.
    Beware of making undue demands on your marriage. What you know is beyond the man to do.
    You say, “You must do it.” Is that life?
    “Without a freezer in this house, you won’t sleep here today” – You want to freeze me?
    And you know he doesn’t have it. What is your problem?

I am speaking to women now.
“If you don’t change this car” – Okay, change me! Change me, I am here.
-You are going places.
-Every marital question is declared solved today.
-Every marital siege is declared broken today in the name of Jesus Christ.

  1. Finally don’t give up on your faith.
    The day you give up on faith is the day your victory is lost.
    Hebrews 10:38
    Don’t give up on your faith, God is never late but He has come down for you today.
    Don’t say, “I closed the chapter last year”
    Okay, against who are you closing the chapter? Against yourself or against God?
    Open up, God is up to anything at any time.
    God who can give a set of twins to a 69-year-old, first time in her life is up to anything and can do it anytime.
    We have seen 50-year old married in this Church and married to someone who has never been married. We heard the testimony here.

He is up to anything. Please don’t close the door against your own destiny.
Let your faith come alive, because today is the day you have long been waiting for.
If you ever made any counter statement before, ask Jesus to forgive you: “That Lord I said to you, after 2015, I am longer interested. That was in ignorance.”
The time of ignorance, God has overlooked.

Remove it, say, “Lord, I am sorry for being stupid. I remove it” and come straight, because He will decorate your life.
-Anybody serving God the way you do is not permitted to be grounded. Your marital destiny cannot be grounded and shall not be grounded!
For all of us, every time you give up on faith, you have lost your victory. Every time, on every subject, you give up on faith, you have lost the victory.
-May every victory lost in every other area of life be recovered Today.
Prayers: Thank God for the enduement of power over your life. Thank God for the spirit of love. Thank God for the spirit of wisdom, thank God for the spirit of passion and thank God for the giving spirit.
Thank God for opening a great door to your marital destiny today. Thank God for His restoration of every broken home. In Jesus precious name, we have prayed.
How many believe today is their day?
How many believe that today marks the end of all tensions in your home?
How many believe that their marital destiny has opened up now?
How many believe that this year is the year they have been longing for?
Listen to me, except God has not sent me, anyone on this ground today that is set to be married, THE YEAR 2021 IS DECLARED YOUR YEAR.

Except you don’t believe it, in truth and in deed, everyone here, set for marriage this year, THE YEAR 2021 IS DECLARED YOUR YEAR.
-Many run-away wives will return this week.
-Many run-away husbands will return this week.
-Every wicked force holding them down where they are is declared broken finally.
-Every marital curse is declared broken today.


GOOD NEWS: 199 people were baptized in water yesterday. 41 of them surrendered their lives to Christ at the water baptism and 60 of them were baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
There is no instruction here that has failed to deliver.
God told me, “get them grounded in the fundamentals of the faith, let everyone who has been saved and has not been baptized in water by immersion since they believed, be baptized. Let them receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

And we have been driving that. It is working, twice every month. In case you are not baptized yet, in water by immersion since you believed, please do that. It empowers you and me to work in the newness of life.

You will not go back to your vomit, anymore in the name of Jesus Christ.
GOOD NEWS: Next Sunday is our Covenant Day of Exemption.
-Evil will never come near your dwelling anymore in the name of Jesus.
As the Ark keeps moving from one place to another, what we are doing is depositing the peace of God.

The peace of this Commission abides in every such place and in multiplied form, it just keep increasing and increasing.
Expect: every single place where we hold a WSF meeting, everyplace we move into because we can’t hold it in every place at the same time, will experience everything that this Commission carries.

-Evil will never come near your dwelling.
-After this Service on Sunday, I can assure you this, the angel of God will be round about you all the days of your life.
-You are in the air: the plane will not drop.
-You are on the road: you will never crash.
-You are on the sea; you will never capsize in the name of Jesus Christ.
-God will put a seal of exemption on your forehead and it shall abide there for life in Jesus name.
The 3rd Sunday of every month is our monthly anointing Service, for those of us who are just fresh in Church and that happens globally, in all of our Churches worldwide. The 3rd Sunday of every month.
One cardinal mission of the Anointing Oil is to destroy yokes.
Therefore, as this Oil comes on your head today, after it is blessed, no yoke survives in your life anymore.
Generational curses shall be broken.
Marital spell shall be broken.
Marital crisis shall come to an end and in the name of Jesus, your married life shall remain a testimony.
An end comes to ups and downs in your family life today.
No child in your household shall go wayward.
None shall be trapped by drugs.
They will love God more than you do.
They will give you rest all your life.

It shall come to pass in that day, not in that season, in that day, so TODAY IS YOUR DAY. That the burden of the wicked shall be taken away from your shoulder and his yoke from your neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

One of us here invited someone to come in for marital breakthrough service, she asked her, “are you married?” She said, “I know my own will be done tomorrow.” So she came with that conviction.

Same day, Sunday, by 5 pm, this daughter of Zion that has never had anybody talk to her for a long time received a call. The morning that followed, the person that she invited also got her proposal, because they came with faith.

Everyone that has come with faith, on this ground today, that has re-opened the barrier they set on themselves, “that if you won’t do it, 2015, I am not doing again. If you don’t do it 2017.” No. You don’t time God, your times are in His hand.
-He brought you today because it is your turn finally.
-Therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus, your turn is finally here.
I declare the contents of your bottles as the Holy Anointing Oil.
As this Oil comes upon your head, the siege is over.
-Every form of marital siege is over.
-Every siege on your health is over.
-Every siege on your business and career is over.
-Every siege over the lives of your children is over.
In the name of Jesus and so shall it be.
Put a little of that Oil on your finger tip, straight to your forehead and begin to make your Declarations. It is done.
-The siege is over.
-Every yoke of the wicked is broken.
The siege is over, you are free at last, you are free forever.
In Jesus precious name we have prayed.
You can’t treat God’s Word with levity and expect him to treat you with dignity.
Please reverence God.

Embrace His commandments and run with them. You are going to see wonders.
This week, make it your most spiritual week till date: pray the prayers you have never prayed before and reach out for souls with passion; ensure you put them on your shoulder to come to Church, to come and experience the power of God in this place.
As you do that, God will keep honouring you more and more.
Go in peace, return with joy.

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