Do you know you can get thousands of subscribers without creating any video by yourself? Yes
Today, i will talk about youtube creative commons
With creative common, you have a RIGTH to download youtube video and re-upload it to your channel without getting copyright claim or any strike
How to get subscribers with this
1. Do some keyword research as i mentioned in my first tip
2. Look for YouTube creative common video [Download it]
3. Record your voice with this sample : “Welcome to [channel Name], please subscribe to my channel… ” you can record with your phone
…. Just try to compose it well…..
Now, do some little editing by place the vioce at beginning of the video, also at middle and the end of the videos.
4. Upload the video with best Title that people are searching for.
This method can work for all niche but best for movies channels
If you don’t know how to find creative commons video, them let me know in comment section.
Note: this is not for monetize channel, just to get subscribers and delete it later…