CHARLES G FINNEY A man with massive fire, his appearance caused 200 souls to weep without any sermon. He rode on a horse through a city and people went down crying for salvation…
WILLIAM SEYMOUR a man with rugged tongue of fire, in his days the fire of the Lord came down physically to demonstrate ancient realities…
JOHN G LAKE a man with tongue of fire; he healed the sick to the point they arrested him for practising medicine without medical license…
JOHN CARVINE of Geneva in Switzerland. ….he paid the price to the point that in Geneva their is no house without a prayer warrior and he achieved it during his time by praying…
JOHN KNOX of Scotland, he cried to God saying ” give me Scotland or I die and God gave him Scotland that after his death ten years after there is no beer parlour in that city.
ST. PATRICK of Ireland a man with raw fire he used his signature to raise a 6 month buried corpse. ….he cursed snake in Ireland and till date there is no snake in Ireland. They tagged him the Apostle of Ireland….
FRANCE ASSISI of Italy carried God to the point he understood the singing of birds…
JOHN WESLEY preached after they drove him from the city and he went to his father’s grave and he used it as pulpit. 700 hundred people came to listen to him. Journalist enquired from him what is his secret? he said “I set myself on fire and people come and watch me burning”
KATHRYN KHULMAN was so anointed that people were being slain under anointing on her way to the airport just by passing the same way she passed…
ARCH BISHOP BENSON IDAHOSA so anointed that by his word, he cancelled the meeting of the whole witches in the world meant to be hosted in Nigeria…
T. L. OSBORN was so empowered in the Holy ghost that in some of his crusade, Jesus appeared in the sky which lead to the salvation of many…
JOSEPH AYO BABALOLA walked with God to the extent when ministering, he was suspended on the air and diverse healings and incredible miracles were recorded.